Prostate Cancer Screening Session
The BBC have recently and rightfully raised concerns about the lateral flow type of home-PSA test kits. These are not the NOT the same type as the PSA home testing kits Fleet Lions sponsor. The blood sample that you take for our test is sent off to a laboratory for analysis and the result is signed off by a doctor.
Click here to see further explanation.
Fleet Lions are pleased to announce that the Prostate Cancer screening held on Saturday 31st August 2024 at the Key Centre, Elvetham Heath was fully subscribed.
Everyone tested have now had their results. We will publish the overall results when available. We would like to thank Fleet Hospital and Community Friends and thank the Graham Fulford Trust for their support for the event. We will be running a further screening in 2025 - details will be published in due course. If you are in need of a test consider a home test - details below.
For information - Who should take the test?
Men between the ages of 40 and 80. For details please view this video.
The facts
Why test men?
With one man every hour dying from prostate cancer and 40,000 new cases every year and no national screening available, we aim to provide a PSA blood test to as many men between 40 and 80 as possible. It's well proven that early detection and treatment may vastly increase your chances of survival.
CLICK HERE if you would like to make a donation towards our prostate screening project
Home Test for Prostate Cancer
Based on the success of our previous Prostate Cancer Awareness days, Fleet Lions are working with the Graham Fulford Trust to offer men a simple finger prick test that can be done at home.
How much does it cost?
The total cost is £29.99 to include delivery and return postage, however if you are aged 40 to 70 and live in the GU51 or GU52 postcode areas, by using the Discount Code of FLC50, Fleet Lions Club will subsidise each test by 50%, therefore the cost to you will be circa £15.00.
If you are under 40 or over 70 you may still order your test but pay the full price.
Tests may be ordered via our partner website - see below.
How does the home test work?
Home testing kits are sent to your home address, you take a blood sample following the simple instructions provided, then return it to the laboratory for processing.
How to order your home test kit
Go to our partner website for more information and click on the the icon on the left (as below) to register or go straight to the Register Page.
Provide your name and a password of your choice - this password is case sensitive - do not use a password you have used elsewhere.
Once you have registered, you will receive an email from mypsatests.
Doing this will confirm your account. If you do not do this, you will not be able to order your Home Testing Kit.
NB. When you verify, you will be on the standard website - close that page before proceeding to Stage Two because you have to be on our partner page to receive the discount
Having registered and verified your account, when ready to order a home testing kit return to Home Test Kit - Sponsored by Fleet Lions where you will see the following at the foot of the page (if not, click on the "HOME TESTING" button in the top menu):
Click on the "Order Home Testing Kit" button and log in using your email and new password. Click on the "Order Home Testing Kit" button again once logged in, when the following form will open. Enter your date of birth and address. In the top right there is a box where you may enter the discount code FLC50 - this will be accepted if you are within age range and postcode area.
Once you have clicked the green "Confirm Details" button you will be taken through to a medical questionnaire and consent page. Once you have completed these questions, you will be put through to the payment platform - PayPal.
YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. Under the payment button for PayPal, you will see in small letters 'pay by debit or credit card'. Click on this link and you will be able to pay by credit or debit card.
NOTE: If you have your computer screen on large print, please reset your screen by pressing 'control and the figure zero' together. This will allow you to see the "Continue" buttons on the screen.
For your information there are two prostate cancer support groups near Fleet
Reading Prostate Cancer Support Group
The group also operates a telephone and email helpline system, which would be particularly suitable for anyone concerned about a new PSA test result who wants to have a chat with someone who knows about prostate cancer.
North Hampshire Prostate Cancer Support
North Hampshire Prostate Cancer Support Group (Basingstoke)
Fleet Lions Club
We are a local group of volunteers who aim to promote the health and well-being of our community by improving the environment, helping individuals in times of need, supporting community groups and charities. Every penny raised goes into our community projects. Our aim is to serve people and make a difference. Lions Clubs are also members of an international network of men and women with more than 1.4 million members who all work together to answer the needs that challenge communities across the world.
CLICK HERE if you would like to make a donation towards our prostate screening project.
"I was visited by a neighbour who wished to thank Fleet Lions for their Prostate Cancer Screening Programme.
The test results suggested elevated PSA readings with a recommendation to discuss with his GP, which he did. The outcome was to be monitored and retested in 3 months. At this point the PSA readings had become higher and he was referred immediately to a Consultant. He is now undergoing radiotherapy with a good prognosis.
Given this experience and being the middle male of three in his family, he encouraged both brothers to be tested too. A quite different outcome! His older brother showed completely normal results – but his younger brother's reading was off the scale, resulting in an immediate referral and removal of the prostate. He is recovering, but again prognosis is hopeful of complete recovery.
I was asked to pass grateful thanks to the Lions Clubs who are involved in the testing programme. Clearly testament to a job well done and THANK YOU LIONS!
Recent information in the national press suggests that the introduction of a national screening programme is on the horizon, but I am sure Lions Clubs in the meantime will continue to provide this valuable service."
Lion Brian Proctor